Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Nunc est bibendum


Had to work so Mom brought me back a sourdough pizza Margherita from Franca Manca. 

And my dad brought me a spicy tunacado from Joe & the Juice.

Which I weirdly remember reading in New York Magazine is Sarah Jessica Parker’s favorite work lunch, but is also the only thing anyone seems to order there. It has vegan pesto and avocado and jalapeños in it, and the bread is good.

Solo dinner at Bibendum Oyster Bar in the Michelin House.

TIL Bibendum is the name of the iconic Michelin mascot.

Sadly did not have anyone with me to order the Oyster Martini.

Tarama is on every menu in London right now.
Here it is with Cornish crab and cured egg yolk. 
They did not offer bread with this, so I fumbled with the blob for a while before asking for some bread.

Cornish crab with brown crab mayo.

Scottish mussels and I asked for a side of rouille, which needed to be run through the entire chain of command for approval.

I don’t feel American when I’m in America, but I am DEFINITELY American in London.

Then I asked for a side of tartar sauce with the Pierre Koffmann fries, and I honestly think that if they could’ve kicked me out, they would’ve. Super uptight about their sauces. 

I also asked for a side of pickles because I figured they couldn’t hide spit on pickles. 
And then I made these little open-faced sandwiches with my mussels and my embarrassment of sauces.  

They were very European if you know what I mean.

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